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"OSCAR" & "PRINCESS BAMBI" Doxie friends


You must be just as confused as we are about how two adorable little dappled kecil Doxies ended up in a shelter. As it turns out, our first owner passed away, so we went to live with our late owner's relative, but a year later he died too. So here we are, with nowhere to stay. We are very committed to each other, we like to snuggle on laps, and it's way more snugglerific if we have a nice blanket over the top of us. We like other dogs, as long as they don't try to smash us or play too rowdy, we're little! We are typical of our breed, we like to offer our family a running commentary of the happenings of the house, we will alert you of any strangers, dangers, or monsters that may be lurking outside the house. But our best quality is our love for each other, and our current foster mom who reports that we are lovely little dogs with a little brushing up to do on our basics. We are older dogs, around 6 years old. Want to meet us? Of course you do! Call Nancy, the foster coordinator at 503-320-4047. Please note that we have had enough loss in our lives, therefore we must be adopted together.



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